Wednesday, July 14, 2021

New Samsung Pay & Gift Cards Guide

Samsung pay is a digital wallet made by samsung corporation for many samsung users. The making of this digital wallet is for the purpose of users buying and selling in internet worlds. Service made by samsung has gained high popularity and users over time. And this app will provide you with way of how to create samsung pay and trick of using it, and guid of how to purchase a samsung gift card and trick about it.

For noting, this is not an official app made by samsung corporation. But this guide book tutorial made by same samsung pay digital wallet users to many others users. This app will guide you abbout what store accepted samsung pay or samsung gift card. what is samsung e gift card anyway, how to use this with other service like uber and so much more.

All Online Cloud Storage

Online cloud storage is a provider of online drive just like an offline hard drive. You could save your work there, your files, document, photo or video on that drive cloud. Benefit from online backup drive is that you could access it just by using internet connection. And this app provide you to access many online cloud storage provider from free to unlimited and free, largest to cheapes trial or pricing if you want to have more service for your need. This app provide access to:

- Dropbox cloud
- Google drive cloud
- Amazon drive cloud
- Jumpshare cloud
- Mega cloud
- Mediafire cloud
- Huawei cloud
- Microsoft one drive cloud
and more
Thats online cloud storage provider is one of the best in the internet. You could choose one or many to give you storage for your everythings need. And i guarantee you every of that provider exists in this app is one of the safest, secure and have their own encryption. So don't have that suspicion of getting your files get to the wrong hands. And too if you want to use this cloud storage company service for personal means, you could choose many free using with some limitation in one of the provider. But for personal use some of it's capacity is enough, and too you could use this cloud storage to become your collaboration sharing files, you could send your files or documents on some project with someone and make the cloud become such workplace. But if you need more of the capacity and the limit doesn't and you don't have enough fund, you could make another storage accounts in one of above, but ofcourse if you could, you could just buy more access. And all that easy things in this app to make more easy your life is on this app, and you just need to download this and install on your apps.

Icing On The Cake Dress

This is a game of decorating a cake with player's own imagination. There are many choice of what kind of play or in other word what kind of cake you want to colored. Special part is of course the dress cake decoration, icing a dress or icing a cake. A cake that made to be look a like as a dress for a woman. In this app there are dress cake that are need to be decorated like the dress of elsa, disney princess, icing dress, icing princess, icing barbie dress and so much more. So much choice to play this relaxing game.

This many feature of this app that give players many choice to which game they need to spend their leisure time to playing with their imagination, this game so helpful for relax and enjoying time. Many choice of cake decorating game you can choose listed below and the disney princess choice are:
-pony cake decoration
-disney princess cake
-icing on the cake
-candy cake maker
-princess cooking challange
-baby taylor
-barbies birthday
-princess anna
-cake master
-how elsa frozen make cake
-cherry cake
-christmas cake
-frozen fever cake
-wedding cake coloring
and many more. You just need to download and install this app to try this icing dress cake yourself.

Pop It Fidget Toy 3D

This game will give you fidget experience as a button on your phone. With 3d appearance texture that just pop it will make this fidget toys spinning on your phone a relaxing and calming feel.

This is like a relaxation and calming kit for your daily pressure live. Just simulate what the purpose of real fidget on your phone give same feel as the real fidget itself. An antistress tool kit for anger, anxiety or slepp that after played give a calm mind. And the best is this game is free you just need to download and install it. So easy setup and give everyday relaxation. What do you wait for.

New Bubble Merge 2048

This is the newest bubble merge 2048 for you. You could play this easily and freely. You just need to download this.

Daily Horoscope - Zodiac 2021 

Daily horoscope zodiac. Horoscope for daily, weekly and monthly. Get the latest horoscope sign information in this app. Astrology reading, a belief that are still used by many today. Many use astrology horoscope to know what kind of fortune today bring, or tommorow bring, and not just fortune could be, health, sickness, love, dating match by horoscope, destiny, what rising, like sun or moon, lucky numbers, zodiac compability, palm reading, and many more. And all that reading you could get in this free online app. You just need to download and install this.

Daily zodiac horoscope reading in this app provided for zodiac:

Sax Video Player All In One HD Format 2021

This app collected many HD video format of saxophone players and saxophone playing music video. Here, listed many saxophone music creation. This app provide you with listed items of video and search database method by search term keyword of saxophone things you need and want

Arduino Code Examples Free 

This android arduino app will provide you with many arduino codes examples free. Arduino is a programming language mechanism to interact with robotic mechanism. Compile and code reader execute on arduino controller circuit will then command the robotic parts do what it's coded for. For thats part that you want to do, you must learn first what is arduino and its basic mechanism. That's resume of whats arduino doings is fore beginners who still yet grasped what's arduino is.

But don't worry, this app provide you with guide and tutorial reading from about arduino code executer, ide, code maker, code generator, controller, creator of arduino code, and more for beginners starter kit. For more, this app too could benefit for arduino users who is more advanced and developed, for every of that beginners section on that apps, you could get raw code for your arduino kit purpose. Just firstly need to read that code first, understand it and then develop that's yourself.

Actually advanced users, have it's own section in this app which is on the advanced. There, users of this app will get many arduino projects from nano arduino controller to the mega one. Any kits that usually needed are esp series or mega series or dht11 series or node mcu series. More to that you will get many source code for arduino ide to project such as bluetooth controller, rc car remote, drone kit, ethernet internet controller, analog, gsm control, home automation projects, home control, bluetooth joystick, led lights projects, monitor, robot arm, mind controlled remote, bluetooth voice controller, wifi control, arduino uno projects, keyboard, make your own sensor, digital circuit, mouse controller, lcd, temperature and humidity sensors and more. There are too simple code command executer that just need to be copied and upload to your arduino ide to get it works readily. Learn too how to make arduino diagrams.

All that many course are provided in this app for free, you just need to install this app. Like a book but with more comprehensive section and full course from beginnerss to advanced one. You could use this app offline, so if you just need somethings you could use this app without any need of internet connection to access this coding library full of tutorials and guide.

Guide For Wizard Legend: Fighting Master

 Wizard Legend:Fighting Master is a fantasy mythical game for smartphone user Many have used this app to to their own enjoyment. And to provide more enjoyment we develop this bundle of walkthrough and guide bundle. So for information this app isn't formally released from that game developer but from fan users that see the need of such guide bundle for many players out there

Digital Marketing Poster Maker

 This app will help the job of marketer to make beautiful stunning image or inforgraphic for their marketing career. Marketing is one of the need of every business that should be considered important With marketing, you can distribute your products to more many people. Marketing use of this app could be categorized for business blogspot, instagram carousel products image, social media poster, canva template, marketing product's cover such as for ebook cover, shopee, quora picture, review of image products, for website article, youtube thumbnail, workflow of a business canvas, and more

The earning of freelance marketer is differ depends on the personal, but with this free app you could make your own marketing image for your business needs by yourself. This app is easy to use and completely free as long you have internet connection to get the templates provided inside. The description of this app is resumed for your use to know what kind of app is this and what is the benefit for you.You just need to download and install this app

Medical X-ray Interpretation With 200++ Cases

 X Ray interpretation is one of the many must known things in medical worlds. This app cover many radiological x ray cases that are commonly met in the real medial situation. To expertising such skill of interpreting the x-ray result from human body or bones, or joints or chest or head and more, the need to train with many resource available is a must. This app provide access to many medical students or practitioner that on daily basis met with many x-ray CXR results.

This app gathered many medical x-ray lectures for the purpose of make more easy for many x-ray practitioners. Like clinician, students, practitioners, doctors and more.

Contents of this app consists of, radiology imaging problem, method and technique to x-ray, bones & joints problem interpretation with imagery sources and with doctors or clinician interpreter, many disease that are needed x-ray condition and more.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Pengertian Mekanisme Dan Harga Pasar

Pengertian permintaan dan penawaran termasuk perangkat analisis yang dikembangkan oleh para ahli ekonomi untuk lebih dapat memahami proses ekonomi yang tetjadi di dalam masyarakat. Dalam bagian ini akan dibicarakan pengertian permintaan (Demand), penawaran (Supply), dan interaksi antara keduanya yang bersama-sama membentuk harga (Price) di pasar (Market).;

Yang ditekankan adalah bagaimana hubungan antara jumlah barang yang man dibeli atau dijual, dan harga barang itu, apa yang menyebabkan perubahan harga, dan bagaimana reaksi pembeli dan penjual bila ada perubahan harga. Dengan bantuan pengertian ini, diharapkan Anda dapat lebih memahami bagaimana cara keerja sistem harga dan pasar dalam memecahkan masalah pokokekonomi;

— Pembeli dan harga pasar: Permintaan;

— Penjual den harga barang: Penawaran;

— Harga keseimbangan: head interaksi permintaan den penawaran di pasar;

Apa,bagaiman,dan untuk siapa. Lagipula mengapa pemerintah dalam beberapa hal perlu campur tangan untuk memodifikasi sistem pasar bebas demi kepentingan masyarakat.;

Pembeli dan harga barang: permintaan;

Untuk hidup layak dalam masyarakat, orang membutuhkan aneka ragam barang dan jasa. Yang tidak dapat diusahakan sendiri atau di produksi, terpaksa harus dibeli. Dibeli berarti orang harus membayar harganya. Berapa jumlah dari suatu barang tertentu yang dibeli oleh masyarakat tergantung dari berbagai faktor;

Berapa jumlah pembelinya;

Berapa banyak uang yang mereka miliki untuk dibelanjakan;

Berapa mahal harga barang;

Berapa harga barang – barang lain;

Termasuk kebutuhan pokokkah barang itu juga mode dan selera konsumen. Gengsinya dalam masyarakat, dan masih banyak lainnya lagi. Karena tidak mungkin semua faktor yang ikut berpengaruh dibahas sekaligus, dalam pasal ini kite fokuskan perhatian pada hubungan antara jumlah suatu barang/jasa yang mau dibeli (Quantity demanded) dan harga (Price) barang itu. Faktor-faktor lain yang mungkin ikut mempengaruhi jumlah yang mau dibeli itu untuk sementara dikesampingkan dulu dengan anggapan “ceteris paribus”.;

Sumber: Pengantar Ilmu Ekonomi Mikro – Oleh Drs. T. Gilarso, SJ.

Pengertian Permintaan

Dalam ilmu ekonomi, istilah permintaan (demand) mempunyai arti tertentu, yaitu selalu menunjuk pada suatu hubungan tertentu antara jumlah suatu barang yang mau dibeli orang dan harga barang tersebut. PERMINTAAN = jumlah dari suatu barang yang mau dan mampu dibeli pada berbagai kemungkinan harga, selama jangka waktu tertentu, dengan anggapan hal-hal lain tetap sama (ceteris paribus).;

Mau dan Mampu;

Mungkin anda ingin sekali, mempunyai kendaraan baru atau membutuhkan sebuah jaket yang bagus. Tetapi menginginkan, bahkan membutuhkan sesuatu belumlah berarti anda juga membelinya. Karena membeli sesuau tidak hanya targantung dari kebutuha/keinginan, tetapi juga dari harga barang yang bersangkutan.;

Berapa uang yang harus dibayar, dan berapa uang yang tersedia untuk itu. Betapapun orang menginginkan atau membutuhkan sesuatu, kalau ia tidak mempunyai uang untuk membayar harganya, atau tidak bersedia mengeluarkan uang sebanyak itu untuk membelinya, maka keinginan itu tetap keinginan saja, dan kita belum bicara tentang pemintan. Baru kalau keinginan/kebutuhan itu disertai kemauan dan kemampuan untuk membeli, dan didukung oleh uang secukupnya untuk membayar harganya, kita bicara tentang permintaan. Untuk menegaskan hal ini, sering ditambahkan istilah “efektif”, artinya: disertai kemampuan untuk membayar harganya. Diringkas;


Jumlah yang mau dibeli;

Jumlah yang diminta (Quantify demanded, disingkat Qd) menunjuk pada kuantitas yang diinginkan, yang belum tentu sama dengan jumlah yang nyata-nyata dibeli (Quantity bought). Jumlah yang diminta selalu harus dinyatakan dalam banyaknya satuan per jangka waktu tertentu (per tahun, per bulan, per hari). Misalnya, bila dikatakan jumlah komputer yang mau dibeli oleh masyarakat Jakarta sebanyak 20.000 buah, itu tak ada artinya kalau tidak disebutkan periode waktunya. Dua puluh ribu unit per hari merupakan permintaan yang relatif besar. Tetapi 20.000 set per tahun akan merupakan permintaan yang relatif kecil.;

Jumlah yang diminta (Qd) harus dibedakan dari permintaan (Demand/D). Pengertian permintaan menunjuk pada keseluruhan kombinasi berbagai jumlah yang mau dibeli pada berbagai tingkat harga.;

Ceteris paribus;

Banyaknya jumlah barang/jasa yang mau dibeli oleh masyarakat selama periode tertentu dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor. Agar pengaruh masing-masing faktor tersebut dapat diidentifikasi, kita pelajari faktor-faktor tersebut satu demi satu. Untuk maksud itu, semua hal lain yang mungkin ikut berpengaruh kita pegang konstan dulu sehingga dapat memusatkan perhatian hanya pada satu variabel saja. Bilan satu variabel itu berubah, kita lihat apa pengaruhnya terhadap jumlah yang diminta. Misalnya, bila mempelajari akibat kenaikan harga terhadap jumlah beras yang mau dibeli, besarya penghasilan masyarakat dianggap tetap tak berubah. Variabel-variabel lainnya kemudian sutu demi satu dapat dimasukkan untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang lebih lengkap.;

Sumber: Pengantar Ilmu Ekonomi Mikro – Oleh Drs. T. Gilarso, SJ.

Contoh Permintaan Barang Individual

Sebagai langkah pertama kita pelajari permintaan suatu keluarga akan beras. Jumlah beras yang dibutuhkan keluarga tersebut kurang lebih 40 kilogram per bulan. Apakah jumlah sekian kilogram pasti juga akan dibeli? Belum tentu! Jumlah yang dibeli tidak hanya tergantung dari kebutuhan, melainkan juga dari harga beras. (Juga dari selera konsumen, dan besarya penghasilan keluarga yang bersangkutan dan harga barang- barang lain. Tetapi hal-hal ini untuk sementara belum kita perhatikan). Jika harga beras murah, keluarga tersebut mungkin akan membeli 50 kilogram atau lebih. Tetapi jika harga beras mahal, mereka (mungkin terpaksa) akar membeli kurang dari 40 kilogram.;

Keterangan tentang jumlah beras yang akan dibeli pada berbagai tingkat harga dikumpulkan dalam Daftar Permintaan (Demand Schedule) di bawah ini;


Tabel ini harus dibaca. Kalau harga beras (P) Rp3.000/kg, jumlah beras yang mau dibeli (Qd) oleh keluarga A sebanyak 40 kilogram per bulan. Tetepi, Kalau harga beras 2.000/kg, (ceteris paribus), maka jumlah yang mau dan dapat dibeli sehanyak 60 kilogram per bulan, Jadi, tabel ini hanya menunjukkan berbagai kemungkinan jumlah kg beras yang mau dibeli, tergantung tinggi-rendahnya harga beras, atau berbagai kombinasi atau pasangan Qd dan P.;

Anggapan ceteris paribus antara lain berarti bahwa pendapatan keluarga tersebut tetap sama. Dalam contoh ini anggaran yang tersedia adalah Rp120.000 per bulan untuk membeli beras. Kalau harga beras naik dari Rp3000 menjadi Rp4.000/kg, sebenamya keluarga tersebut tetap ingin membeli 40 kg beras, tetapi dengan jumlah uang yang sama mereka hanya dapat membeli 30 kilogram. Kalau tetap mau membeli 40 kilogram beras, maka perlu ada tambahan uang (Rp160.000) atau harus mengurangi pengeluaran untuk keperluan lain. Tetapi dengan anggapan ceteris paribus, kemungkinan itu justru ditiadakan.;

Sumber: Pengantar Ilmu Ekonomi Mikro Oleh Drs. T. Gilarso, SJ.